Hindsight is 2020

A change of season, an end and a beginning, is a good time to re-evaluate. We’ve had such a difficult, discouraging year and it’s not over yet. However, we can dwell on the negative side or use what we’ve learned to become better.

Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go. ~ Unknown

It’s a choice we have to make as individuals instead of jumping on a bandwagon. I firmly believe that the only hope for our divided country is God. He is the only One who can truly heal hearts and that’s where we need to start. Heal the heart and the mind will follow. When I thought of this, I figured someone else had already said it but I didn’t know it was the title of a Harvard study. Of course, the study pertains to physiology / cardiovascular health. I don’t know how much you’ve read about my personal experience but for me, it was physical and spiritual. When I finally regained my faith, not only did my blood pressure go back to normal without meds, my thoughts were hopeful instead of hateful. What an incredible difference and huge blessing!

Find the heart to blur the hate. ~ Kimberly

As imperfect as we all are, life is so much sweeter and meaningful when we’re humble, kind, thankful and faithful. All of us (individually and as a country) will endure difficult times and the devil loves to take advantage of every weak day. But I promise you this: God hears and answers the prayers of those who trust Him.

“Pray humbly, pray believing, and pray with thanksgiving – Our Nation’s Future Depends On It!” ~ Franklin Graham

2 thoughts on “Hindsight is 2020

  • So true We need to try to find the good and positive In every day. Some make this hard to stay in focus by showing only the hate and destructive ways in there hearts. Stay the course for good don’t just stand down and let hate vandalize your hearts

  • One good thing 2020 has taught a lot of people, including me, is to not take anything for granted and be thankful for what we have. It’s been a hard year but a humbling one as well!

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