With the holidays coming, it’s likely that most will be stressed (a little or a lot,) and in a hurry. From November through December, it seems like every day is on double-time! Instead of trying to keep up, keep praying and focus on what Jesus would do.
Many years ago there was a trend about “What Would Jesus Do?” –WWJD. Where did that ideology go?! Has it been forgotten in this hasty, greedy world or do you still seek Him and think about His way of life? On earth, Jesus was a pure, humble servant full of lovingkindness who gave His life to save us.
When I was a little girl about 7 years old, I learned what it meant to accept Christ. I thought my daddy was the only father I would ever need but he read Bible stories to me and taught me about my Heavenly Father. I liked Sunday school and learning about God but it was my family life that taught me every day. I was Mom’s “Sunshine” and I loved life with my two big sisters! I’m sure I didn’t think or know what it means to be humble but, that’s exactly what my family was – not weak or proud; grateful, considerate and giving instead.
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6-7
It’s almost Thanksgiving Day and I hope and pray that it will be a special one. Let’s give thanks for all our blessings, be kind and give someone else a reason to be thankful, too!
Very thankful for my wonderful Mama and all you’ve taught me! ❤